David Vostell | My mind | 2012


EEM | 2008

Blood and Cokee | 1987

The Being from Earth | 1990


David Vostell | Room | 2011

Ginger Hel | 1982

You can listen to David Vostell music online: 



Influences | 2007


David Vostell | Serotonin | 2010

36574 Bilder | 1979

David Vostell | Voyage - human body | 2009

E.d.H.R. | 1982
Homo Sapiens | 1985
Lost in Life | 1985

David Vostell | The Being from Earth | Melissa and The Being | 1990

The Being from Earth | 1990 | Trailer

Words on Paper | 1984

David Vostell | Sketch Book 1995 - 1998 | 1998

Room | 2011

David Vostell | EEM | 2008

Formulas of Life | 2005

David Vostell | Influences | 2007



 Ginger Hel | 1982 | Pantera ist Hel

David Vostell | Formulas of Life | 2005

The Universe is Music | 2006 

David Vostell | Formulas of Life | 2005

Sketch Book 1995 - 1998 | 1998

Voyage - human body | 2009

Pantera | Tom Fritz | Ginger Hel | 1982